

考研报名、测验、查分工夫 免费短疑提示



1. [B] concluded

2. [A ]protective

3. [[C] Likewise

4. [A] indicator

5. [D] concern

6. [A]in terms of

7. [C] equals

8. [C] in turn

9. [D] straightforward

10. [B] while

11. [A]shape

12. [B] qualify

13. [C] normal

14. [D] tendency

15. [B] pictured

16. [D] associated

17. [A]Even

18. [D] grounded

19.[C] policies

20.[B] against

Part A

Text 1

21.[B] A special tour

22.[A] critical

23.[D] rarity generally increases pleasure

24.[B] may prove to be a worthwhile purchase

25.[C] obtain lasting satisfaction from money spent

Text 2

26. [A ]our self-ratings are unrealistically high

27. [C] intuitive response

28. [B]believe in their attractiveness

29. [A] instinctively

30. [D] withhold their unflattering sides

Test3 暂无






Text 4

36. [B]involves certain political factors

37. [C]suffered government biases

38. [A] allow greater government debt for housing

39. [C] contribute to funding new developments

40. [D] stop generous funding to the housing sector

Part B

41 .[D] represents the elegance of the British land art

42 .[E] depicts the ordinary side of the British land art

43 .[G] contains images from different parts of the same photograph

44 .[C] reminds people of the English landscape painting tradition

45 . [A] originates from a long walk that the artist took

46. 翻译参考:(逐句比较)

Most people would define optimism as being endlessly happy, with a glass that's perpetually half full. 年夜大都人将悲观界说为永久欢愉,总以为杯子里的火借有一半。But that's exactly the kind of false cheerfulness that positive psychologists wouldn't recommend. 但主动心思教家其实不倡导那种虚伪的欢愉。"Healthy optimism means being in touch with reality," says Tal Ben-Shahar, a Harvard professor."安康的悲观是取理想联络正在一同的,"哈佛年夜教传授泰·本-沙哈道讲。According to Ben-Shahar, realistic optimists are those who make the best of things that happen, but not those who believe everything happens for the best.按照他的不雅面,理想的悲观主义者是去主动真现工作的美满,而没有是坐等工作会本人美满。

Ben-Shahar uses three optimistic exercises. 本-沙哈提出了悲观锻炼的三个阶段。When he feels down-say, after giving a bad lecture---he grants himself permission to be human.当贰心情降低时--好比,一个蹩脚的演讲以后--他抚慰本人那是人情世故。He reminds himself that not every lecture can be a Nobel winner, some will be less effective than others. 他提示本人没有是每次演讲皆要求诺贝我尺度,有些演讲的结果会没有如其他。Next is reconstruction. 下一个阶段是重塑。He analyzes the weak lecture, learning lessons for the future about what works and what doesn't. 他会阐发此次失利的演讲,哪些处所可取,哪些不成取,为未来的演讲积聚经历。Finally, there is perspective, which involves acknowledging that in the grand scheme of life, one lecture really doesn't matter.最初一个阶段是前瞻,我们要熟悉到正在死命的雄伟蓝图中,一次演讲底子算没有上甚么。

47. 参考范文:

Dear John,

I'm glad to hear from you. How have you been these days? The purpose of this email is to tell you about my living habits.

Firstly, I never drink or smoke. Neither do I stay up late. Instead, I keep a balanced diet and go to bed before 11 o'clock at night, because I believe burning the midnight oil is harmful to health. Secondly, I'd like to keep my things clean. It is obvious that living in a messy environment results in a chaotic life.

Finally, could you please offer me some proposals as regards living in your city? I'm sure that we can get along well with each other, and our university life would be one of the best times in life. (123 words)


Li Ming

48. 参考范文:

The column chart above clearly reflects the changes in the statistics between urban and rural population in China during the past two decades. For urban dwellers, there was a noticeable jump of 360 million from 300 million to 66 million between 1990 and 2010. By contrast, a remarkable decline occurred in the number of rural population by 160 million from 820 million to 660 million during the same period.

At least three primary contributors account for such changes. First and foremost, there is a much nicer choice of options available in cities and towns, across the broad. There are more jobs to choose from, different kinds of companies and types of work. In addition, big cities offer much more excitement and stimulation, partly as a result of all the various options available in so many areas. More importantly, people prefer to live in cities and towns for the convenience of the transportation system. It would have a well developed bus, subway, highway and airport transportation network.

Generally speaking, people in expanding numbers would prefer to live in cities and towns which offer a rich variety of many options, whether it be for jobs, leisure, cultural or intellectual activities. At the same time, people like the energy and stimulation of a big city environment and the convenience of a well-developed transportation system. (221 words)


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